Plastixal Aluminum Facade - MC WALL: Modernity and Durability Outside

MC Wall

  • a system used to design modern curtain walls; the system is a basis for facade structures: MC Passive, MC Passive+, MC Glass and MC Fire, MC Glass Fire (a solution for fire protection); the MC Wall system offers many possibilities of creating the installation; the system offers structures to be opened on the facade: parallel windows (MC PW) and roof windows (MC RW),

  • mullion-transom visual width: 21164in,

  • the curtain wall in the MC Wall system consists of mullions and transoms fastened by stainless steel bolts; there are 2 x ø 6 stainless steel fasteners per joint; the fasteners ensure very high load capacity of the mullion-transom connection, both in the wind pressure plane and the infill load plane; the solution does not prevent using traditional transom brackets or fastening transoms only with screws attached from the face side,

  • a wide range of mullions and transoms suitable for static requirements,

  • the insulators can be built accordingly to the infill thickness,

  • application of vapour-proof and breather membranes on the perimeter of the facade is easier, in accordance with new guidelines for installation of aluminium structures,

  • a wide range of decorative cover caps makes it possible to obtain varied visual effects on the curtain wall,

  • the option of bending profiles (detailed specification of profiles and detailed technical parameters of profile bending process are available in the customer,

  • a wide range of colours available – RAL palette (Qualicoat 1518), structural colours, Aliplast Wood Colour Effect (Qualideco PL-0001), anodized (Qualanod 1808), bi-colour.

Selected projects with the MC WALL façade

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Technical specification

SystemMaterialDepth mullionDepth transomGlazing rangeMullions rigidityTransom rigidity
MC WALLaluminium02564in-125364in02564in-113764in0532in-22164infrom 10,2 – 4092 cm4*from 7,0 to 1831,1*



SystemThermal insulation Uf*Air permeabilityWindload resistanceWatertightness
MC WALLUf from 0,84 W/m2KClass AE1500; EN 12152 2600Pa – 3900Pa; EN 13116Class RE1950; EN 12154

*there is a possibility to use additional reinforcements
**thermal insulation is dependent on a combination of profiles and thickness of the filling

The UW research was conducted in Europe

Download full MC Wall – Fixed Window Wall Combination Certificate
ASTM E283, ASTM E547, ASTM E331, ASTM E330


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